NSA's Huge Utah Datacenter: How Much Of Your Data Will It Store? Experts Disagree...

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NSA Bluffdale datacenter
The NSA’s mammoth new facility in Bluffdale, Utah, is nearing completion. We think we know it’ll be used to store, decrypt, and analyze intercept data from programs such as PRISM and Stellar Wind. But how much storage is that, exactly?
On the one hand, some sources say it’s about a million-million average hard drives.
On The Other Hand, people who know what they’re talking about calculate it’s a million times less than that. So that’s an enormous range of opinion. Who’s right?

We first heard about the NSA’s new datacenter fromJames Bamford:
Bluffdale sits in a bowl-shaped valley in…the heart of Mormon country. … They came to escape the rest of the world. … But new pioneers have quietly begun moving into the area, secretive outsiders who say little and keep to themselves [building] a massive complex so large that…it will be more than five times the size of the US Capitol. [It] will be filled with servers, computer intelligence experts, and armed guards. … Its purpose: to intercept, decipher, analyze, and store vast swaths of the world’s communications…from satellites and…cables of international, foreign, and domestic networks.

The potential amount of information that could be housed in Bluffdale is truly staggering. … Before yottabytes of data…can begin piling up inside the servers of the NSA’s new center, they must be collected. [So] the agency has undergone the largest building boom in its history.

In his 1941 story “The Library of Babel,” Jorge Luis Borges imagined a collection…where the entire world’s knowledge is stored but barely a single word is understood. In Bluffdale the NSA is constructing a library on a scale that even Borges might not have contemplated.

Yottabytes? Seriously? That seems a bit extreme. Howard Berkes has his sources:
The gargantuan $1.2 billion complex…features 1.5 million square feet of top secret space. High-performance NSA computers alone will fill up 100,000 square feet. … The NSA’s Utah Data Center will be able to handle and process five zettabytes of data, according to William Binney, a former NSA technical director.

An NSA spokeswoman says the actual data capacity of the center is classified [but] NSA does provide some measure of the computing power. … It requires 65 megawatts of power, enough for 65,000 homes.

So, wildly varying answers to the “how much” question. My FORBES colleague Kashmir Hill takes the high ground:
Much has been written about just how much data that facility might hold, with estimates ranging from “yottabytes”…to “5 zettabytes.” … a yottabyte = 1,000 zettabytes = 1,000,000 exabytes =…1 trillion terabytes. …you would need just 400 terabytes to hold all of the books ever written in any language.

However, based on blueprints of the facility…published here for the first time…the storage capacity of the data center is lower. … [There's] just over 25,000 square feet per building for data storage, or 100,000 square feet for all four buildings. … Brewster Kahle is the engineering genius behind the Internet Archive. … If Kahle’s estimations and assumptions are correct, the facility could hold…12 exabytes.

But, according to NetApp’s Larry Freeman, even that’s an over-estimate, assuming it’s not all storage:
The most telling statistic is the 65 Megawatt substation, which will limit the amount of racks. … Assuming that 40% of the 25,000 sq ft floor space in each of the 4 data halls would be used to house storage, 2,500 storage racks could be housed on a single floor (with accommodations for front and rear service areas). Each rack could contain about 450 high capacity 4TB HDDs which would mean that 1,125,000 disk drives could be housed on a single data center floor, with 4.5 Exabytes of raw storage capacity.

HOWEVER, each storage rack consumes about 5 Kilowatts of power, meaning the storage equipment alone would require 12.5 Megawatts. On the other hand, servers consume much more power per rack. Up to 35 Kilowatts. Assuming an equivalent number of server racks (2,500), servers would eat up 87.5 Megawatts, for a total of 100 Megawatts. Also, cooling this equipment would require another 100 Megawatts of power, making the 65 Megawatt power substation severely underpowered – and so far we’ve only populated a single floor. Think that the NSA can simply replace all those HDDs with Flash SSDs to save power? Think again, an 800GB SSD (3 watts) actually consumes more power per GB than a 4TB HDD (7.8 watts).

What we’re looking at here is a fairly typical enterprise data center, albeit with monumental security measures – and a few thousand servers and a couple Exabytes of storage.

Meanwhile, Paul Young quips:
We have the floor plan and emergency evacuation plan for the new data center of the most secret agency in the US? This is why I never believe government conspiracy theories. We can’t manage to keep anything secret for longer than 10 minutes, much less aliens or faked moon landings.

Zoom in on the map, you’ll notice their data center has a separate infirmary. Just how many people work there and what the heck are they doing? The data centers I’ve been in were lucky to have a wall mounted first aid kit hanging around somewhere.
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