Hacker group named “Islamic Cyber Resistance” message us about the hack of programming language PERL official blog http://blogs.perl.org/icrg.php, along with this they also leaked 3000 users information.
The group wrote in their message:
Islamic Cyber Resistance Hacked Blogs.perl.org to Show Supporting Syrian People And SEA
They Are Fighting Every Day and Every Night With Terrorist and Al-QAEDA
Below is the screenshot we took from the defaced page (http://blogs.perl.org/icrg.php)
Leak link of 3000 users information►►https://www.quickleak.org/QtPly6aE At the time publishing the news, webpage was defaced
The group wrote in their message:
Islamic Cyber Resistance Hacked Blogs.perl.org to Show Supporting Syrian People And SEA
They Are Fighting Every Day and Every Night With Terrorist and Al-QAEDA
Below is the screenshot we took from the defaced page (http://blogs.perl.org/icrg.php)
Leak link of 3000 users information►►https://www.quickleak.org/QtPly6aE At the time publishing the news, webpage was defaced